What Makes Malayan Pit Viper so Dangerous?

  • Kingdom: Animalia
  • Phylum: Chordata
  • Class: Reptilia
  • Order: Squamata
  • Suborder: Serpentes
  • Family: Viperidae
  • Subfamily: Crotalinae
  • Genus: Calloselasma
  • Species: C. rhodostoma
  • Scientific Name: Calloselasma rhodostoma

Malayan pit viper is a venomous pit viper endemic to Southeast Asia.

-What makes malayan pit viper so dangerous?

Malayan pit viper blends in perfectly leaf litter sitting in ambush just like other pit vipers, but on the ground, it is sometimes referred to as venomous landmines because they just planted in one spot, not moving and extremely venomous like the landmine. It is really venomous as well because you get bitten by a pit viper like that, you might have to amputate a limp. It's the only way of saving your life. To be more specific, the Malayan pit viper's bite caused severe necrosis , meaning that it destroys all the cells that gets into contact with, which usually leads to loss of limbs or fingers or wherever you're bitten.  

The venom attacks so quickly and bites end up looking like this: 

-Why do a lot of people get bitten by Malayan pit viper?

Local people come to face to face with the animals venturing from the nearby forests monkey and lots of snakes as well including a highly venomous snake species, Malayan pit viper, well-adapted to living here.

Malayan pit viper are so well camouflaged in leaf litter. It's an ambush predator. It is almost invisible that it lies in weeds. It will sit there motionless and rely on its camouflage. Once they know that it has been spotted, it will try to flee just like any other pit viper would do. However, this snake is hard to be found. When people walk is the fields often with flip-flops or something at night and this pit viper is on the path and it won't move away and people end up stepping on it and then the snake feeling threatened will bite in its defense. 


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